Sunday, February 13, 2011

in the dog house, with a slight hang over...was last night worth it?...damn right. false maturity OUT!!!


  1. damn-i knew ud be in it lol BE STRONGGG

  2. Wreck less! Absolutely wreck less! was last night worth it for the DailyRam? I'll say any night with the Boys is worth it but of course it's worth a little more with both "Labia" major and minor.

    FalseMaturity, I don't think DarkFox knows you as well as I do when it comes to the Pimp-hand.

  3. Pimp hand real heavy dog...I let her have the credit card, and go shopping for a few hours, that should take care of her. Women are simple.

  4. honestly what happened for the 1hr tour of the city yall took after? lol nada dawg- n im not a pimp, i jus crush a a nice guy so fuck you first and formost dailyLamb lmao

  5. All yall went out witout daddy last night smh... No phone call

  6. Nah hes a lyer but I was working so I wouldnt be able to go if I wanted to


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