Saturday, April 2, 2011

a real conflict

Aight so I know the effort has been slippin here recently and as much as 4eva said he was blowing up but sorry my dude drake aint gonna cut it lol. So here's a real conflict: I drink. A lot. And often. I noticed that when I drink I don't care about stupid shit as much as I do when I don't. I know that and its one of the reasons I drink. I notice also that I drink a lot of beer and if I don't then I don't get to the point that I just described. I don't think I drink because I have a problem handling shit, it just makes shit easiert to deal with. So, do I gotta get my shit together asaP or am I good for a minute?


  1. I think you need to check that son. drinking to make things easier = drinking to make life easier = alchy son lmao

  2. ya man whenever someones drinking to temporarily mask or avoid certain issues its a problem dawggg...Try to go at whatever the problem is head on (sober), because it starts off with you drinking to avoid dealing with "stupid shit" and could very easily progress to you just drinking to deal with "everyday life". Not saying your an alcoholic because I dont think Ive ever seen you drunk lol. But like FM said its something you gotta check


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