Saturday, May 14, 2011


"Girls are like Linoleum, if you lay it down right the first time, you can pretty much walk all over them for the rest of your life" LMAO

Thursday, May 5, 2011

LMAO this shit is fuxked up, who thinks of this shit

Suicide isn't so bad, give it a chance.

Thinking about suicide but you're not sure if it's the right thing to do? Here are some tips to help you decide whether or not killing yourself is a good choice:

1. Do you live at home but your parents are always making you clean your room and do your homework? It's a sure sign that they don't love you and that they want you to kill yourself. Why else would they make you clean your room? What are they going to do next, ground you? Make you wear braces? Don't kid yourself, the message is clear.

2. If you just got out of a bad relationship and you feel like things are never going to get better; you're right. Everyone knows that suicide is the only option, stop procrastinating. Look on the bright side, at least your ex will feel guilty for a couple of minutes--but don't count on it.

3. Depressed? Don't have any friends? I guess nobody told you, but being depressed and feeling lonely isn't normal. Everyone else is happy, and has lots of friends so there must be something wrong with you. Put the prozac away, what you need is rat poison.

4. Spill a drink at a party? Drop a plate of food in a restaurant? Nobody else has to live with that kind of embarrassment; you know what you have to do.

5. Flunked out of college? Don't know algebra? Here's a question you should know the answer to: Flunked out of college + Don't know algebra = Time for _____. Chances are you still don't know the answer, so here's a hint: it starts with an 's' and ends in 'uicide'.

6. Traffic jam? Sometimes bad luck isn't a coincidence. Do you really want to sit in traffic for another half hour? Look on the bright side, if you're a viking you'll be going to Valhalla. Then again, you're probably not, but eternal damnation in hell is probably the next best thing.

7. Telemarketers keep calling? It's easier to hang yourself than to get rid of a telemarketer, am I wrong? If you're lucky, Home Depot might be having a sale on rope. After all, you don't want to die letting people think you weren't frugal.

8. Flu? You realize that there's no cure for the flu, right? Well, no cure that doesn't involve painting the wall with your brains.

9. Flat tire? Do I have to spell it out for you?

10. College application get rejected? Take the hin


"You're not gonna like me when i get angryyy" (bottle smash over head)

SMALL WORLD - “I used to drop Lewinsky off at the White House…Killa"

sometimes u just need some inspirational shit

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the natural

i told you guys to see me in fantasy baseball, and btw daddys shittin on these guys im up against.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

a real conflict

Aight so I know the effort has been slippin here recently and as much as 4eva said he was blowing up but sorry my dude drake aint gonna cut it lol. So here's a real conflict: I drink. A lot. And often. I noticed that when I drink I don't care about stupid shit as much as I do when I don't. I know that and its one of the reasons I drink. I notice also that I drink a lot of beer and if I don't then I don't get to the point that I just described. I don't think I drink because I have a problem handling shit, it just makes shit easiert to deal with. So, do I gotta get my shit together asaP or am I good for a minute?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fat Guy Scared Then Pees Himself (Monitor Punch)

Woulda put this on Thursday Night Lights

but St. Pats isn't a regular thursday. What do people want to do?

Battle of the Bootys Pt II

The first one is Nalanti Narain and second is Jesikah Maximus...I gotta go with number 1, she got her beat just by a little

Smash or Pass?

Keep in mind that shes madd limber tho...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


We, as in the up-rising-youth are so concerned about immediate feelings that we forget that we need to push hard to succeed. The key word I would like to point out is push. Push is an action and not just a thought. We have to see ourselves actually creating the actions. So many people have ambitious thoughts but forget about the push.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Starting This monday

since you guys have been slacking on the posts daddys takin over, Im bout to make this blog hott...we about to blow up (j.cole voice)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen interview (Watch The whole thing its too funny)

Conflict: Bank Teller

Maybe you all can relate..

You know when you get cash back from cashing your check at the bank- do you guys ever recount the cash you get right at the window? idk to me the teller is counting the shit too fast, and I just don't trust her lol, so I always tend to quickly recount it in front of her before leaving.

A part of me feels like im slapping the teller in the face by doing this, but it makes me feel better. I mean, what do I do when I go back to my car, count my cash,  and realize that im short $20? Go back to the teller and be like: " missing $20..." that wudnt

Do y'all go back to McDonalds, after you already left for 10 mins, to say that you didnt get your fries?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You guys ever notice how much our life is dictated by time? Everyday we are checking the time...rushing to work or class...meeting with people at set times...eating at a certain time...favorite shows come on at specific times...going out to the zoo before a certain time...clubs end at a set time depending where u are....

.......time runs everything.

The clock has become my worst enemy...and, at times, my best friend
So, to Time I say: Fuck You with all my love


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Conflict: To party or not to party

There comes a time when you have to ask yourself is it worth it? Since I turned 21 I've been hitting up the bars heavy but now I'm starting to contemplate whether I'm going to hard in the MUTHAFUCKIN PAINT NICCA (waka voice). A while back I was looking at my credit card statement and 85 percent of the charges were from liquor stores & bars. I'm torn because on one hand I'm only 22 I aint got a gotta girl, im a fly ass dude, and there so many bad drunk bitches Ive yet to hit on, but on the other hand i don't want to be "that" dude that's in the bar all the time. With that said I feel the thing that leads to my conflicted ego is that I don't want to be the dude that's 30 or 40 still trying to be young at the bars looking like a clown. So I figure I'm getting it out my system now and that's why I go out so much...Advice?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Conflict: To blast or not to blast

Okay so some of us know of a recent event involving probably the craziest female I have ever met in my life. This "girl" sweated me more than any other girl could possibly sweat somebody. So I wake up the other day to an email that detailing how much and why she is sweatin me. But I find that, and the drunk ass texts from the other night, funny as hell. So, the question is, do I put that shit on blast all over this blog.....?

The Zoo

literally just woke up and im writing this hungover. Umm im not ever goin back to the zoo....i turn into an animal (not sure which type of animal, but definitely a hungry animal)...the place brings out the worst and best in me. Its so dirty-there's no can feed all the other animals and there's definitely petting/touching allowed. Waking up from a night at the zoo..I always think to myself:'what the hell just happened?'

I have a good time..but is it possible to have too much of a good time? I don't like being an animal (or maybe I do?), but the environment forces me to....i doubt  i'll go back again....idk..conflict conflict


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday night lights

So its Thursday night, Its been a long week of studying and working at the office. So basically your boy needs a drink. Anyone getting their scumbag on tonight?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conflict: Teacher

I hate when teachers go over their allocated class time. My class is suppose to end at 12:15, however my teacher likes to let us out at 12:25 to 12:30. Why?-I couldn't tell you-maybe hes trying to prove a point that he's superior or has a bigger dick than everyone else (shout outs to longdongsilvah) but I really don't know-it jus tweaks me up a bit.But I do find it very amusing  when, at 12:15, half the class starts to zip up their backpacks in recognition of their eagerness to get the hell out. I love that zipper sound because I know it mocks my teacher and says to the teacher: "Hey man, our backpacks are zipped--u cant teach now anymore..." The teacher still goes on so it really doesn't matter, but the students' act is very inspiring. So to the bold and defiant backpack zipperers in class--I thank you for easing my frustration if only for just a small moment.


Monday, February 21, 2011

My Future Wife

Stacey Dash 2 words Got Damnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!

Check This Out..

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is acting white? Or, better yet, what is acting black?

It has always amazed me that a person could be ostracized for simply speaking a language in its intended manner or choosing to wear Abercrombie and Fitch over Baby Phat. Why don’t we strive to speak the most grammatically sound English possible? Why not seek to be the most cultured and diverse group of people? Why stay confined within the walls of a ghetto mentality, striving to be less than the standard of superiority?

Being successful in this world requires solid communication skills, visible intellect and regard for physical appearance. At no point in time is the use of Ebonics, also known as self-imposed retardation, acceptable. Subject-verb agreement exists for a reason. Use it. I be doin’ dis and she be doin’ dat is a “dialect” that screams uneducated. Where has uneducated every gotten anyone? To the NBA? Sure, and then bankruptcy court because poor verbal communication skills barely get you a job at McDonald’s, less known a corporate office position. There are so many bright, young black men and women whose behavior reflects the opposite. Instead of making our intellectual value known, we hide behind the self-fulfilled stereotypes imposed on us by mainstream media. We have accepted and, sadly, embraced looking dumb—walking around looking down, mumbling words. Good posture, chin up and eye contact shows confidence…Confidence in your ability to perform.

Would The Cosby Show be an iconic American (not just African-American) television show if Claire was a gum-popping, head-swirling baby mama? Absolutely, not. President Obama did not become the first of his kind “acting black” either. Those who have experienced real, lasting success measure their blackness against standards of excellence. In this world where the global minority rules, some may call it “acting White.” If that is the case, acting White should be the new black. We cannot continue to reduce ourselves to what we see and hear from the likes of Gucci Mane, a grown man with an ice cream cone tattooed on his face.

It can be a little painful, at times, to feel alienated by your own on the basis of doing little things right that go a long way. But, what should be even more painful is spitting on the blood, sweat and tears of pride our forefathers shed to make this country and this world what they are today. If active reverence means one (maybe two) black friends at work, so be it. If it means spending less time around family members who complain you think you’re better than them, who cares.

Your blackness is not defined by mainstream society or, most importantly, mentally captive black women, boys, girls and men. If acting white means acting like a person with high standards and lofty expectations, tap dance your way to the bank. Shuck and jive, shuck and jive…

Shouts out to MadamNoire

F$%K Russia

I just read somewhere that that the owner of the Nets (That Russian Dude) has the 2nd Most Expensive house ever this dude bought a villa for 750 Mill called Villa Leopolda Cote D'Azur and Honestly the shit aint even hott...

The Jumpoff Commandments

1. You have no rights/claim—you cannot be mad that he/she spent New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, Fourth of July, etc with their legitimate significant other. It doesn’t make any sense to be mad because honestly, you’re the fallback chick. Get in where you fit in.

2. You are not the only jump-off—there is no sacred code that establishes only one jump-off per legitimate relationship. To the contrary, it’s a very real possibility that you are one of many. Expect it.

3. You are not special—no jump-off is special to the person they are dealing with. By the very nature of your status, you have accepted that you are not special and have allowed someone else in on the secret as well. Now they know they do not have to treat you with respect or civility because you have shown them not to by willingly assuming jump-off status. Please do not get the idea that you are special to this individual. Despite what they say, refer to your actual status for the real answer.

4. You are replaceable—because you are not special (refer to #3) and you contribute nothing of value to the person you are seeing, you can be dropped any time. This can and will be done with the utmost comfort to the person you are seeing. Make no mistake…there is no heartache when dropping a jump-off. Why would there be? They care nothing about you. They will rotate their other jump-offs (refer to #2) into your position with minimal discord in their schedule.

5. Legitimate girlfriends/wives are not jealous of your jump-off status—I repeat, legitimate mates are not jealous of the jump-off. They may feel sorry for you. They may feel like whooping that tail for messing with their significant other. But, they never feel jealousy. Why? Because they don’t have to. While a jump-off is a dime a dozen, a real woman/man knows their worth and therefore cannot possibly be jealous of a woman/man who clearly doesn’t respect themselves enough not to be treated in such a callous manner. A real woman knows they are irreplaceable and jump-offs are not (refer to #4)

6. Jump-offs are never number one—a jump-off will never slide into the legitimate person’s position. No matter what the person tells you, you will never be their legitimate mate. Why not? Because they wouldn’t have to work for it. Because you are not special (#3) and are replaceable (#4), there’s no challenge and no reason to stick around. Besides, even if you don’t see it, you’re a jump-off, most people know it and seldom has a person taken the risk in making an honest person out of you because it doesn’t benefit them to do so.

Got this from thefresheexpress LOL

Friday, February 18, 2011

Beached Whales

Now Im well aware all of us scumbags avoid Beluga whale night at McFaddens but these beached sea bodies are out there for a reason. Cause someone out there actually hits on em' and probably tries to take them home. Thats this guy right here.

You didn't know there was something stuck in your head? thats what she saidddd

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Poll

Hey-someone posted a new poll on the left of this site. Maybe we shud answer it?

Smash or Pass?

This chick looks like she could whoop a few of your asses and them titties look rock hard like they'll knock a motherfucker out too. I don't know if any of you guys are into diesel chicks but I'd give it to this one.


Damn.... Crazy ass old bastard jumps 3 stories into kiddy pool and walks away

(LOL) Mike Epps Impersonating Waka Flocka, Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross & Gucc...


I just got an email from my current school stating that I was being evaluated for my non-compliance with their internet policy....Too much porn and downloading music...Gottt damittt youjizz ur fuckkkin up my life

Morning Freshness...

Diesel "Glam Rock Sneaker" Swaggggg...I know FM appreciates this

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


1000 Page Views!!!!

Just hit a thousand...sounds like my batting average when I was 9yrs old

Conflict: Orange

Ite so random but, I was walking outta school today and I was peeling an orange (no homo). As I walked and peeled, i would throw the peeled pieces onto the ground and into the grass. And then I began to wonder: Was what i was doing considered littering??? Or was I being green by helping the environment out with my biodegradable waste?

Babi Mac "Proved That" Music Video [SBYZ] NEW MUSIC 2011

Battle of the Bootys?

Im gonna have to go with #2. Lawwwwd hammerrrrcy (in my best Jamaican accent) Tryna find a thong that fits that ass is like tryna fit a rubber band around the equator its just not gonna happen.

Smash or Pass

Smash or Pass?

Gentlemen, you aint gonna tell me you ever seen an ass FATTER than this.

This is CRAZY

Dudes from Britian his names banksy..Shits ill huh

Thats stuntinnnnnnnn

Really thats whats hot now...Its called "The Splinter" sounds like one of those positions i put ya mom's in last night..


And the Conflict begins: I'm stuck in this place where I feel like I'm wasting my time with chicks who don't matter, with chicks that my ego says will be good for a moment but the truth is my invested time is not producing the wanted/needed results. I feel heartless as I scum my way through Narragansett bars. The conflict is that even though a huge part of me wants to stop wasting time on my ego; I know that this empty feeling I get from fucking and fleeing with not last long and soon enough I'll be back on my DAILYRAM.

Life is a bitch, so fuck em

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Just checked our blog's stats lol and it says we got 3 views from Canada.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lex Lugered

This dude got suplexed in the middle of a subway crowd, he crawled up into the fetal position and had no chance whatsoever after that finishing move. He was fighting with a disadvantage though, its kind of difficult to move quickly in them skinny jeans, lol.

I just fell in love.

She makes me want to be a better man. Check out this chick.

College FireDrills

um...why did one of these phD students burn a bag of popcorn in a microwave and filled my hall's lobby with black smoke? We all had to evacuate....firetrucks came and all. Too bad I wasn't taking a test..i hate phd students


word of advice from A Santos on this valentine day..."don't buy a girl anything for valentines day, cause its considered a gift, and you cant get that back in the court of law"...thats a definition of a true scumbag


15 minutes of fame...or lack there of

So i just tried googling 'conflicted egos' and also tried the Bing search engine for the same name but we are nowhere near the top of the list, nor did I actually find our name. There is no relevant website that even comes remotely close to name that we have chosen for our website. We need to do something about that. I typed in 'Octobers Very Own' and Drakes blogspot was at the top of the list.

We Public

Just went public (A-dot request)..why not now? Anyone online can read our shit now

valentines day

so the only reason i remember today was v-day was because of sportscenter...and she gets upset when i spend 5 hours watching repeat episodes

Got Me Rolling

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The fish

Whats the point of the fish at the bottom of the home page? If we don't feed em, do they die or something? Pointless ass fish.

Its alive

After hours of meeting, 60 beers, and a few bags of nachos, its finally here.
Conflicted Egos.

in the dog house, with a slight hang over...was last night worth it?...damn right. false maturity OUT!!!

just made a fake blog called: "" this way no one else can come close to our name.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This is PRIVATE as of tonight-will become public once we all okay
Absolutely no government name postings!!!!
No facial or recognizable body pictures!!!