Monday, March 14, 2011

Fat Guy Scared Then Pees Himself (Monitor Punch)

Woulda put this on Thursday Night Lights

but St. Pats isn't a regular thursday. What do people want to do?

Battle of the Bootys Pt II

The first one is Nalanti Narain and second is Jesikah Maximus...I gotta go with number 1, she got her beat just by a little

Smash or Pass?

Keep in mind that shes madd limber tho...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


We, as in the up-rising-youth are so concerned about immediate feelings that we forget that we need to push hard to succeed. The key word I would like to point out is push. Push is an action and not just a thought. We have to see ourselves actually creating the actions. So many people have ambitious thoughts but forget about the push.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Starting This monday

since you guys have been slacking on the posts daddys takin over, Im bout to make this blog hott...we about to blow up (j.cole voice)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen interview (Watch The whole thing its too funny)

Conflict: Bank Teller

Maybe you all can relate..

You know when you get cash back from cashing your check at the bank- do you guys ever recount the cash you get right at the window? idk to me the teller is counting the shit too fast, and I just don't trust her lol, so I always tend to quickly recount it in front of her before leaving.

A part of me feels like im slapping the teller in the face by doing this, but it makes me feel better. I mean, what do I do when I go back to my car, count my cash,  and realize that im short $20? Go back to the teller and be like: " missing $20..." that wudnt

Do y'all go back to McDonalds, after you already left for 10 mins, to say that you didnt get your fries?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You guys ever notice how much our life is dictated by time? Everyday we are checking the time...rushing to work or class...meeting with people at set times...eating at a certain time...favorite shows come on at specific times...going out to the zoo before a certain time...clubs end at a set time depending where u are....

.......time runs everything.

The clock has become my worst enemy...and, at times, my best friend
So, to Time I say: Fuck You with all my love
